A Bite of Wisdom

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Do you see your shadow?

Yesteday was Groundhog's Day (and my Mom's Birthday). And it got me thinking of my "Shadow". This Western culture does not embrace the Shadow aspect of our personalities. Popular culture and thinking is that it is something to be abolished or at least minimally contained. I believe it is a part of us that, if not embraced, can hold us hostage to the peace that so patiently awaits our coming. It has many names...our ego, our shadow, the dragon, to name a few. Many years ago, I became enthralled with the concepts due to the book by Debbie Ford called "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" as well as the writings of Thomas Moore. I knew in my heart what they spoke was true, and it has changed my life, only for good, and only bringing me closer to myself and God. It's about inviting in the dragon of your fears and self-loathing and looking it all straight in the eye, even sitting down to tea with it and asking it to share it's gifts.....for it has many. So? Do you see yours? What gift does it have for you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree about the ego, specifically, the negative ego. We let it control our thoughts and actions instead of coming from our higher selves.