A Bite of Wisdom

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Calling the Circle.....

And so it is!

The time has come. It was never a matter of if, but when. This coming full moon has been causing a rising tide, tsunami, actually, within my first and second chakras in the last few days. At times I thought I would go crazy with the stirrings. I felt like an animal at times, feeling actual instinctual 'compulsions', for lack of a better word. I'd find myself getting busy doing something just to make it go away, and it would work....for a few hours. Finally last night I sat down with it and just let it be, and let it have it's way with me. I sat in darkened silence, my favorite insense to stir my passions, and welcomed in the sensation, eventually recognizing it as a physical creative impulse. I opened my mind and heart and asked to conceive it, and so now, tonight, I sit gestating the inevitable birth of another part of my vision....a circle of women. Women of all ages, and girls, especially young girls, all supporting and loving eachother as we gather each month on the New and Full Moons and birth and celebrate our lives and our connection to the earth and the sky. I remembered the words in "Circle of Stones"....

"How might your life have been different, if as a young woman, there had been a place for you, a place where you could go to be with women? A place where you could be received as you strove to order your moments and your days.

A place where you could learn a quiet centeredness...to help ground yourself in daily patterns that would nurture you through their gentle rhythms...and after the fires were lighted and the drumming and the silence, you heard for the very first time...each woman slowly speaking into the stillness, sharing her feelings of how she saw her life and what she wished to say of it...weaving the threads of her life into a fabric to be given and named.

And as the shadows of the day lengthened into dusk and you leaned your head against your mother's shoulder, you pondered in your heart a different sense of a woman's life.

If someone had been able to see that you were taking the first tiny baby steps toward feeling your own feelings, of knowing that you saw life differently than those around you. If you had been helped to experience your own uniqueness, to feel the excitement of sensing, for the very first time, your own awareness of life. What if someone had helped you to own all of this...to own your own life.

And the women helped you to go inside yourself and consider all the experiences of your life and to reflect on them...if the women had helped you draw your thoughts and feelings together and to weigh them...so that you could come to a clearer knowing of what your life was about. And if the women had listened as you told them of your whole life and the meaning that it held for you.

And at the end of that process...the oldest women in the lodge had come and sat in a circle and you saw that they had left an empty place....a place for you. And you softly and timidly made your way to the empty space and quietly claimed your wisdom. The wisdom of your soul.........How might your life have been different?"

Please, come. Enter into this sacred circle. Bring yourselves. Bring your sisters and your daughters and your mothers. Bring your hearts and your drums and your light, and your own unique stone, to our circle.

First meeting...on the next New Moon, March 7th.

7pm, Location: TBD

Let me know if you are interested.......Namaste

1 comment:

munga said...

Sounds like a very soul searching and inspirational thing to do. I would love to join you if only I weren't going to be out of town. Let me know when the next one will be.
Love, Mom