A Bite of Wisdom

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Irony of Worry

On my way to my follow-up mammogram today I was feeling pretty peaceful and calm and I was pondering why some things make us literally sick with worry while other things we don't think twice about. Namely, on the way to the appointment I was considering all that could change for me IF I got a diagnosis and at times how cancer can still make me crazy when I consider it entering my body and life again....and yet, it occurred to me that I jump in my car usually several times a day without even a hint of concern for my safety. The truth, when I consider it, is that statistically I am much more likely to be seriously injured or killed in my car than I am of being diagnosed with cancer this particular day of my life. That realization caused me to consider how conscious I am of how I pick what to spend mental energy on...

To spend any time worrying about cancer and none worrying about driving a car is, in acutality...REALLY stupid. For that matter, to spend time worrying about ANYTHING that hasn't happened isn't too smart either....just sayin'.

I was given an 'ok' today, by the way. My mammogram does still show an abnormal area, but from the ultrasound they were able to confirm that the area is smaller in size than last check.

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