A Bite of Wisdom

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I have a confession..I'm in love!

With words....So, It came to my utmost attention a couple of years ago yet another way that I am very different than most of society.......and perhaps it explains my lack of a romantic relationship (with a man). True confessions time: I have been deeply committed and involved in a love affair with words. It's not just some fleeting crush that comes and goes, however, I could be accused of being fickle as I swim and soak daily in one persons words, only to take off running to someone else when I find something of theirs that makes my head and heart swoon. I collect them like a squirrel collects nuts in the fall; hording my favorite juicy ones for some special time when I need their nourishment to sustain me. I feel out of sorts when I don't spend some amount of time in their presence daily and have even been made fun of for even reading fiction with a highlighter in hand, to which I defiantly defend, "But what if I need to find that one part again?" If I remember correctly, it started in 1993 with a book about the life of Benjamin Franklin entitled, "The Art of Virtue", followed closely by "Return to Love", by Marriane Williamson and many of the writings of Neal A. Maxwell. I've shared my bed with many authors, but probably had my most intense, longest lasting affair with Wayne Dyer. He expanded my mind and spirit and made me rethink most of my existing paradigms and Thomas Moore seemed to be writing just for me, and helped me understand the deep complexities of life and love, and my deepest inner workings, except for the fact that he often loses me when he spends too much time using Greek Mythology as a metaphor. I have to admit to being pretty naive when it comes to those tales and the timeless lessons they present and represent, although when I have managed to work my way through an entire analogy, I can see the relavance, but it doesn't feed me. Kind of like toast with no jam. I won't bore you with my entire history with words, but perhaps it is that history that has made me who I am today; like it or not. My latest crushes are Andrew Harvey and Elizabeth Gilbert. Perhaps I should think about reading less and dating more? Not so sure...but I guess I might be able to say I'm doing my part to "Keep Portland Weird"

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