A Bite of Wisdom

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

Thursday, September 4, 2008


As I have sat with this idea of "Being Love" this summer it has brought me so many understandings and realizations. Being confronted with places I'm closed down, my sharp edges and gaping holes and how deeply and naturally I feel love and can give and receive down into my bones for and from others, for life and the gifts of nature and family. Also the pure joy that comes in life when I, or any of us, really open our hearts and be present to love when the opportunity surfaces in our lives.

I do not believe we choose who we love, or especially who we fall in love with. Love happens to us not too differently than being shot in the heart by cupid; sudden and sharp, usually though it can grow over time like a wildflower (or a wart)and our only choice is if we decide to let it continue to flow through us and change our inner landscape and/or picture of ourselves and the world around us. Hopefully, whether it lasts days or years it leaves us ultimately better off in the process. No joking, love hurts as much as it helps. It stretches and tests us as it takes our hearts on the biggest bunge jumps of our lives, and the free-fall can be a doozie, but if we can let ourselves allow our feet to leave the platform, it is that fall that gives us the ride and rush of our lives. Even when it leaves us initially feeling bruised and fragile, if we allow it, the healing process can be equally wild and wonderful...remind me I said this someday if I need it.

Some come into our lives for a moment and teach or demonstrate something for us; sometimes words don't even need to be exchanged. Others stay for awhile, do their job and get outa Dodge quick and dirty like, only until our time together is done, the lessons learned, the gifts exchanged. A few stay a lifetime, becoming a May Pole around which we weave our existence. Some stay forever, even if only in our hearts.

I regret nothing in my life and as I reflect back on those I('ve) love(d) and those who love(d) me, I'm so grateful for all the unlikely places and times we've found each other. You made life worth living. You added color and depth to my life; made is sweet and creamy. Let's keep the magic alive....whether near or far, past or present, then or now, through the way we move through our lives; may we bring the wisdom and the gifts of our time together and let go of the disappointments and pain and offer it up on the alter of suffering so the pain may be burned to ash and used up. Let it be burned there so it doesn't stay inside our hearts, minds or bodies, doing the damage there, where we are tempted to play it over and over like a bad commercial or used as evidence to justify anger or bitterness in this totally new day life has given us; Let's let it go so we can show up fully and joyfully wherever life has lead us. We are born innocent and did our best.

One of my favorite songs is by Jason Reeves, called "Permanent". I'll share it with you, although this version isn't Jason singing, it's easier to understand this guy's lyrics.......

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